A letter released earlier this week from dozens of former high-ranking intelligence officials, including former National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien and acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grennell, made the case for Senate confirmation of Tulsi Gabbard to be the next DNI. They wrote: “Her service as DNI will begin undoing the gross politicization that has come to characterize intelligence bureaucracies, which has been to the great detriment of the freedom and security of the United States and its citizens. “Lt. Col. Gabbard’s experience more than qualifies her for this important position. A military officer with more than 20 years of honorable service, she undertook multiple combat deployments and risked her life in defense of the United States. In Congress, she served on numerous national security committees and was an outspoken champion for America’s warriors and for our cherished constitutional freedoms. In both these roles, she experienced first-hand how intelligence, when used as intended, provides critical support to America’s military and political leaders.” They concluded that Tulsi Gabbard has “the integrity, and moral courage, to restore objectivity and professionalism to the nation’s intelligence agencies.” Comments are closed.