The Project for Privacy and Surveillance Accountability looks back at 2021 as a year of achievement, just not in the arena we expected. Significant reform measures to roll back intrusive government surveillance appeared poised to pass in this session of Congress. But lingering bitterness between the two parties from the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 Capitol riot left a rift that made constructive action on most legislative fronts all but impossible.
So we pivoted to oppose overreaching government surveillance in the courts, filing briefs in key cases, targeting Freedom of Information Act requests on shadowy programs in need of sunlight, and working with coalition allies to inform and inspire Members of Congress, so they will be ready to act when the current legislative logjam breaks. Surveillance
Secret Authorities
Actions with Coalition Partners
Throughout the year, PPSA has stayed close to Congress, working with coalition partners to educate Members and staff, and holding productive discussions with House and Senate leaders on key committees. We look forward to a productive 2022, both in the courtroom and in the halls of Congress. Comments are closed.